Friday, August 7, 2009

June 9, 2009 - I Joined A Pool

With much trepidation, I joined a pool and went swimming for the first time. During my many jogs, I've come across many pools that are run by the Mairie de Paris [the mayor's office] and several that are very close to our flat. I say, "with much trepidation," for several reasons. The first reason was, as you will all remember, that joining anything in France is an effort. I planned on this pool-joining to take at least a week. To my surprise, I asked for the 3 month membership, filled out the application, and gave them my VISA card. And, voilá, I was a member of the pool,

The second trepidation was clothing. Because I would pop into each pool and ask about joining and take a look at the facilities and notice the rules and regulations. The one rule that stopped me cold was the strict requirement to wear a speedo! And wear a speedo with a bathing cap.......

It's all about hygiene but you have to wonder. Here is a quote from a book I am reading to tune up my french:

SMELL - The French have a refined sense of smell, as evidenced by the vast number of delicately nuanced perfumes. Body odor is a sensitive subject between the French and Americans. What to Americans is "not dealing with body odor" maybe to the French "accepting the natural smells of the body."

And believe me, I come across quite a few "naturally smelling" French folks...... Anyway, moving along, I bought the dreaded speedo and bathing cap and it was off to the pool.

So joining the pool was surprisingly easy; nothing like getting a bank account or joining a health club. The real challenge is the swimming. The whole concept and organization of the pool is based, in my mind, on hygiene [what a surprise] and lack of coordination. First, you show your membership pass and receive a piece of paper. You walk up one flight of stairs and enter the "dressing area" that surrounds the pool below. The dressing area consists of little cabinettes all along the walls. Each cabinette has a little peep hole in it. You give your piece of paper to the attendant, you take off your outdoor shoes, and now you are allowed to find an empty cabinette.

In my broken french I asked what to do and I thought that you had to look through the peep holes, find an empty cabinette, and wait for the attendent to open it up for you. I was quickly informed and forgiven by a good looking woman who was putting on her bikini in the cabinette that I was peeking into, that you are not supposed to peep through the holes. Rather you find a cabinette with the door open, use that one, and close it behind you as you leave to swim. It is when you return that you look through the peep hole to make sure it's yours [at least that's my story] and then stand in front of it until the attendant let's you in. Having found an empty cabinette, donning my speedo and cap, it was time for my swim.

Now the pool has an ingenious layout. You can only get to it by one stairway which is not the way you came in. You are forced to go through either the male or female shower area, take a shower, and then walk through a foot pool for one final cleaning. Except that the male shower was closed so I had to go through the female shower. No woman even blinked an eye as I came through and showered. I think it was the speedo.....they were impressed!?!?

So I now have a pool membership and a speedo......and I won't be taking any pictures at the pool, so don't ask.....

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