Gordes it seems is listed as “one of the most beautiful villages of France”. It has bee

But not as excited [scared?] as I was when we actually turned the corner on this tiny road and saw Gordes for the first time. As I am trying to keep from falling off this mountain, there, on the other side of the valley, is Gordes. It is even prettier than the pictures. You wonder how the heck they even built it. It sits right on the side of the mountain! But we’re still not there. Another turn onto another wee road, a down-shift into 1st gear, and we’re crawling up the final wee road to our hotel. By this time I am hot and sweaty and all I am hoping for is a room with AC and an ice-cold beer.
And Katherine’s hotel didn’t disappoint. The room was immaculate and cool. But the best thing, at that time, was the pool. I didn’t wait to get unpacked. I needed a swim. After my swim, we decided to walk into town.
I wasn’t looking forward to the walk…..back. Our hotel is about 400 meters higher than the town. But the hotel had limo service so we arranged for the limo to pick us up and bring us back; which in hindsight, was the smartest thing to do. They said that it was only a 20 minute walk…that was true for the downhill part ‘cause there was no way we could have walked back in even an hour and 20 minutes. So we walked around Gordes. Saw the castle, church, restaurant where “A Good Year” was filmed and even made a reservation for dinner for the next night. But tonight was dinner at the Hotel.
The limo picked us up, right on time. We put one of the two bottles of local rosé we had just purchased on ice, slid the DVD in the player, and began to watch “A Good Year” [to any of you who come to visit Provence, especially Gordes, Katherine states that this a mandatory film, as is Peter Mayle’s book, “A Year in Provence”….which I still haven’t read…]. At 8 pm we go down to dinner. Without doubt and without going into details, this dinner is in my top 10 of all time.
The next day, we went to the Gordes market. It’s only open one day a week. It was packed. It was much like all the other wonderful markets we’ve been to except there was an abundance of lavender. As I was later to learn, this is the production center of lavender. After a quick nibble or two from the market we were off to Roussillon.

So as we walked back into town, we sat in the town square with a delicious pizza between us. As we started back to the car; all the time looking up and down the picturesque maze of streets and squares, Katherine insisted on going up a very steep, narrow staircase. And voila, quite by chance, there was the actual town center which we almost missed. The ochre façades of the houses are magnificent... shades vary subtly from light yellow to dark red, set off by the brightly painted shutters and doors. From the base of the village to the summit of the hill and its splendid view, Roussillon is a delightful place to visit!
But it was time for us to return to the Hotel, have dinner, and prepare to return tomorrow to Paris. Fortunately, Katherine had booked a late TGV, 4:30pm, so we still had time to take in a few more sights and sounds of Provence and Gordes. As a quick aside, our dinner on our last evening at Le Renaissance in town was underwhelming, so we don’t recommend it, although we do recommend taking either coffee or an apero there, because the restaurant courtyard, looking out onto the Gordes town square is a beautiful location. And, despite the meal, we recognized our waitress from the movie! She was very young and absolutely charming. It seems everyone loved Russell Crowe – they all said he was very charming!

We woke up late but managed to pack quickly because there were a few things on Katherine’s “must see/must do” list. Notre Dame de Senanque Abbey is one of them. This is a beautiful and still-working 12th century abbey, tucked into an isolated valley just 5 minutes north of Gordes. We missed the Gregorian chanting by minutes. But it was my first real introduction to the lavender of Provence. These fields are incredible. Protected by law, it is illegal to pick flowers from these fields.
The second thing on Katherine’s list was the Musée de la Lavande. The museum is on the way back to Avignon and our train. We had plenty of time. We got to the museum and took the self-guided pre-recorded tour. Who knew there’s so much to know about lavender, it’s cultivation and distillation? Not to belabor the point, there is lavande and lavendin; the latter is the real McCoy which only grows at altitudes above 800 meters [kinda puts Gordes and the Abbey into perspective, huh?]. Lavande has medicinal properties and highly-valued oil for expensive perfumes. One hundred kilos of lavande produces 1 liter of oil. Lavendin, on the other hand, yields 5 liters of oil per hundred kilos and is used in cheaper soaps and detergents. Needless to say, I loaded up on the lavande oil, tea, body cream and honey….I smell marvelous!
But we had over-stayed our time. We now had to rush back to Avignon to make our train. And, of course, we hit traffic, got lost [or thought we got lost], made a few questionable turns but got to the station with enough time to take in the incredible purpose-built TGV station. And the TGV was right on time. With no stops between Avignon and Paris, we made the journey in 2 hours 15 minutes. The perfect end to a perfect birthday week.
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